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Time to dream at the Hotel an der Aare

Rooms full of character, cosy lounges, unparalleled views of the river. The Hotel an der Aare offers all this on an upscale three-star level. Here, in the middle of the town, you can dream, relax and enjoy the tranquility.

Further information

Visit the Hotel an der Aare website and book your stay online via our easy booking system.

 Hotel an der Aare website

 Wonderful setting right by the river

The eight queen-size and eight double rooms offer an incomparable view of the Old Town of Solothurn and the Jura mountains from the Hotel an der Aare.

The rooms have a Mediterranean feel, an original layout and stylish furnishings.

Hotel guests are free to use the boulder room of the "Alte Spital" (old hospital) free of charge and receive special prices when visiting our cultural events.